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Vulnerability Is Powerful

Vulnerability Is Powerful

We know vulnerability takes many forms, but here we speak of the practice of opening up to someone, inviting that person to see and hear us without our mask on or our shield up. Showing up with vulnerability means taking a risk, sharing a part of ourselves or our story that we may want to cover up. 

Vulnerability may terrify us. It might make us feel weak and imperfect, but the process of revealing ourselves and our truth is a powerful act. In sharing our vulnerability, we create an opportunity for connection and empathy. And allowing ourselves to be seen and accepted as we are, we invite a sense of belonging. 

Through our sharing, we also move toward transformation. As we share our stories, including our shame, we create an opportunity to heal, to craft a new narrative, to turn shame into acceptance, accountability, and self-forgiveness. Vulnerability and feeling are not signs of weakness, but of courage. 

Society too often defines power in narrow terms, based on dominance and control over someone else. But we believe in POWER WITH, rather than power over. We are stronger when we are in connection with one another and all parts of ourselves. And as we observe its ability to catalyze connection and transformation, we lift up vulnerability as immensely powerful. 

Related toolbox resources: 

The Courage to Be Vulnerable Onbeing podcast with host Krista Tippett and guest Brené Brown  

The Power of Vulnerability TED talk by Brené Brown 


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