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Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a non-pathologizing, evidence-based model built upon the understanding that we all have many parts, subpersonalities, or aspects of our being. These parts or subpersonalities aren’t the product of trauma, but rather the natural state of the mind. However, trauma, attachment injuries, and various difficult experiences will force them out of their natural, valuable states into more extreme roles.

In addition, we all have a "Self" that is not a part. The Self may be understood as our essence, core, spirit, soul, essential being, buddha nature, etc.

Our parts help us to get up in the morning and to make our way through the bustling world we inhabit. But our parts are also the ones that get stuck in extreme roles, those who can become activated, triggered, shut down, sent into a tailspin. For each of us, this looks differently, but I know that for all of us, this can be uncomfortable. In many cases, we have parts who are holding onto old beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve us. And sometimes it feels like frustration is heaped upon stuckness because despite our growing awareness around our habits, we cannot shift out of them. Try as we might, we can't drop our old ways or habits simply by bringing our attention and awareness to them because these parts are stuck in the past.

If we take the time to get to know our internal system, we will learn that behind difficult patterns lay good intentions, and behind our protective layers are parts that desire to be heard, seen, and healed. IFS offers a model by which we can develop relationship and understanding with our parts, eventually releasing them from wherever they may be stuck and liberating them from their old roles, beliefs, and burdens, so they are free to take on preferred roles.

The first step towards healing is to create a connection between Self and part, so the part can be fully seen and heard. Rather than analyzing, interpreting, and problem solving, my work as practitioner is to help guide and support a connection between your Self and parts to open the way for witnessing. This is a radical reframe of the therapeutic relationship, not dismissing the role of therapist, but uplifting and empowering the client to be the healing source for their wounded parts. 

Video introduction to Internal Family Systems therapy:

For more information head over to the IFS Institute.