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Tending Connection

Tending Connection

Consciously and unconsciously we have been divided and separated from one another and ourselves. In response, we seek to create opportunities to RECONNECT, to AFFIRM, and to EMPOWER each other and ourselves. We must stand together for a better world. 

The world is inundated with narratives of division and forces that propel disconnection. We are disconnected from the natural world, one another, and ourselves, and in turn, we are suffering. Capitalism has worked its philosophy into our personal psychology, and we are burning under the myth of meritocracy and the fear of unworthiness. In response to our own self-doubt and shame, we shut down, explode in rage, and resort to isolation. Running from a sense of disempowerment, people often seek to reclaim their power by dominating others. The forces in power recognize the collective power potential, and in order to maintain their position, they scapegoat and divide the masses, turning people against others, making us blind to our shared humanity. 

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