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You Are Enough

You Are Enough

You do not need this shirt. You are full of goodness and worthy and more than enough without it.

Capitalism benefits from making us feel like we are not enough. Advertising promises that we will be better if we just have x, y, or z: we will be more beautiful, smarter, sexier, more powerful, etc. This voice is burned into us, having worked its way into our personal psychology, so we suffer under constant fear of unworthiness. 

I want to replace this voice of judgement with the truth. 

You are enough. 

This is not up for for debate. 

Our society and world need to hear this message over and over again. We need to counter the negative messaging that tears us down and replace it with supportive, empowering messaging, so whether you grab a shirt or sing it from the rooftops, please help spread the word because you are worthy of love, and YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Walk this message around the world with us

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