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I Am A Powerful WOM∆N

I Am A Powerful WOM∆N

For all wom∆n-identified folks who know, or are in a process of remembering, their power:

We are catalysts for change and healing.

We are forces of empathy, compassion, and feeling.

We are truth speakers and revolutionaries. 

We are listeners, care-takers, tenders, and holders.

We are bridge-builders, cultivating connection and understanding. 

We are advocates of justice. 

We are resilient, strong, inspiring.

We are intuitive and wise.

We are committing to being humble stewards of the earth, not colonizers, settlers, extractors.

We are dismantling oppressive power structures and building new policies, systems, and structures that include everyone’s well-being.

We understand and embrace POWER WITH, instead of power over. We reject the notion that power necessitates domination or inequality. We do not need for someone to be under us, in order for us to feel powerful. We believe in collaboration, cooperation, and care for all.

We are here. We will take up space. We will use our voices. We will not apologize unnecessarily. We will demand accountability and justice. We will honor our needs, our desires, our boundaries. We will see clearly and lift up our value - our power to impact, transform, and heal ourselves, others, and the world.

Note: we recognize that we could have just printed wom∆n, since we believe all women are powerful, and “powerful” is therefore an unncessary adjective. However, we include it here in direct response to the expectation that women be passive, meek, weak. We offer it as a reminder to those who against the onslaught of negative messaging, have forgotten their power. We encourage wom∆n to own their power, believing it is imperative to collective healing and transformation. 

Walk this message around the world with us

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